

Sorry Guys.

Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. I've been really busy getting ready to show my cows at the fair. Yes, I said cows. I have 5 of them, Lulu, Sweetness, Sweettart, Tink and Belle. So I'll be at the fair all next week. But when I get back on Saturday I will have Forever (Maggie Steifvater) , Impulse (Ellen Hopkins), Identical (Ellen Hopkins), and hopefully many others to review that I will read at the fair. Then, unfortunately, college starts on the 22nd. So I don't know how much I'll be able to post during that time. I don't really know how much I will be able to read period. So, for now I say adios. Maybe I'll be able to post some time during the fair, if I can get some WiFi.
Until Next Time



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